EUROPE: Spiritual Resources for the Future

International Congress of the
European Society for Catholic Theology

August 30th – September 2nd, 2023

Theological College of Pécs (Hungary)

The congress provides the opportunity to theologians and other scholars to reflect upon the past and current situation of Europe, and to unfold the future-oriented moments of the Judeo-Christian tradition for the continent. Congress participants are invited to approach the conference topic from their own theological or other academic perspective with the aim to bring the potentials of theology, religion, and spirituality to the light through challenging discussions.


Andrej Saje

President of the
Episcopal Conference of Slovenia

Levente Balázs Martos (Budapest)

Auxuliary Bishop of Esztergom-Budapest

Friendship with God – Biblical Foundations



Margit Eckholt (Osnabrück)

Erinnern – Übersetzen – Verzeihen. Europa neu denken von der „Kehrseite der Geschichte“

MÁTYÁS Szalay (Granada)

The Spiritual Renewal of Europe through Philosophical Testimony

Tamás Fedeles (Pécs)

Heilige, Reliquien, Wallfahrtsorte. Abriss der Geschichte der mittelalterlichen Pilgerfahrten

Zoltán Balog (Budapest)

Christus-Glaube und Christliche Kultur in Europa

Béatrice Faye (Rabat)

Quand la théologie africaine interroge les ressources spirituelles et l’avenir de la théologie aujourd’hui

Izunna Okonkwo (NIGERIA)

Spiritual Resources and Post Modernity: An African Perspective

László Felföldi

Bishop of Pécs

Marie Jo Thiel (Strasbourg)

Transformer le chronos de la crise en kairos pour construire l’avenir Transforming the chronos of the crisis into kairos to build the future

Sigrid Müller (Wien)

Glaube, Vernunft und die Offenheit für Neues: Inspirationen aus der mittelalterlichen Theologiegeschichte

Stefan Attard (Malta)

But the word of God is not bound!’ (2 Timothy 2:9): Reflections on the Canons of Scripture in Relation to Different Faith Communities

Ausra Vasiliauskaite, Sr. Gabriele OSB (Kaunas)

Pastoral Care of Silence – A Spiritual Resource That Must Be Preserved in Pastoral Theology

Gerhard Kruip (Mainz)

Christliche Sozialethik: Aus Tradition offen für jegliche Begabungen, Erfahrungen und Kompetenzen

Susan Abraham (Berkeley)

Spiritual and Cultural Hybridity in a Post Secular World

Diana Beatriz Viñoles (Tierra del Fuego)

Spiritual Resources for the Future: A South American Perspective

Andrew Mészáros (Maynooth)

Tradition and Imagination: A Theological View from an American European




From 13.00 Congress registration
Venue: Granary Visitor Information Centre (Magtár Rendezvényház)

14:00–16:00 Workshop for Emerging Scholars
Venue: Granary Visitor Information Centre (Magtár Rendezvényház)

17:00–19:00 Grand Opening Ceremony
Venue: Granary Visitor Information Centre (Magtár Rendezvényház)

Opening Addresses

Gusztáv Kovács
Episcopal Theological College of Pécs, Hungary, ESCT Vice-President

Margit Eckholt
University of Osnabrück, Germany, ESCT President


László Felföldi
Bishop of Pécs, Hungary

Opening Panel
(Chair: Gusztáv Kovács)

Margit Eckholt
University of Osnabrück, Germany, ESCT President

Marie Jo Thiel
University of Strasbourg, France

Andrej Saje
Bishop of Novo Mesto, President of the Episcopal Conference of Slovenia

György Hölvényi
Member of the European Parliament

19:30–20:30 Dinner buffet
The Lapidarium/Dóm Kőtár


8.45-9.00 Prayer – John-Paul Sheridan
Venue: Granary Visitor Information Centre (Magtár Rendezvényház)

9.00–11.30 From Athens to Jerusalem: Philosophy and Biblical Theology
(Chair: Ottilia Lukács)
Venue: Granary Visitor Information Centre (Magtár Rendezvényház)

9.00–10.00 The Philosophical Roots

The Spiritual Renewal of Europe through Philosophical Testimony

Glaube, Vernunft und die Offenheit für Neues: Inspirationen aus der mittelalterlichen Theologiegeschichte

10.00–10.30 Coffee Break

10.30–11.30 The Biblical Roots

But the word of God is not bound!’ (2 Timothy 2:9): Reflections on the Canons of Scripture in Relation to Different Faith Communities

Friendship with God – Biblical Foundations

12.00–13.00 Lunch

14.00–16.00 Parallel Sessions
Venue: Episcopal Theological College of Pécs (Püspöki Hittudományi Főiskola) and
Ciszterci Rend Nagy Lajos Gimnáziuma

to the session #1

Download the abstracts of session #1

18:00– Dinner Buffet and Hungarian Folk Dance House
The Lapidarium/Dóm Kőtár


8.45-9.00 Prayer – Izunna Okonkwo
Venue: Granary Visitor Information Centre (Magtár Rendezvényház)

9.00–11.30 From the Roman Empire to the European Union
(Chair: Fáinche Ryan)
Venue: Granary Visitor Information Centre/Magtár Rendezvényház

 9.00–10.00 Church History and Pastoral Theology

Heilige, Reliquien, Wallfahrtsorte. Abriss der Geschichte der mittelalterlichen Pilgerfahrten

Pastoral Care of Silence – A Spiritual Resource That Must Be
Preserved in Pastoral Theology

10.00–10.30 Coffee Break

10.30–11.30 Ecumenical Theology and Social Ethics

Christus-Glaube und Christliche Kultur in Europa

Christliche Sozialethik: Aus Tradition offen für jegliche
Begabungen, Erfahrungen und Kompetenzen

12.00–13.00 Lunch

14.00–16.00 Parallel Sessions
Venue: Episcopal Theological College of Pécs (Püspöki Hittudományi Főiskola) and
Ciszterci Rend Nagy Lajos Gimnáziuma

to the session #2

Download the abstracts of session #2

17.00 – Holy Mass, Concert and Book Prize Ceremony
Venue: The Cathedral/Pécsi Székesegyház)

19.00– Dinner Buffet
Venue: Episcopal Theological College of Pécs/Püspöki Hittudományi Főiskola)


7.45-8.00 Prayer – Jan Polak
Venue: Granary Visitor Information Centre (Magtár Rendezvényház)

8.00-10.30 Europe from Beyond Its Borders
(Chair: Harm Goris)
Venue: Granary Visitor Information Centre (Magtár Rendezvényház)


Quand la théologie africaine interroge les ressources spirituelles et l’avenir de la théologie aujourd’hui

Spiritual Resources and Post Modernity: An African Perspective

9.00-9.30 Coffee Break


Spiritual and Cultural Hybridity in a Post Secular World

Spiritual Resources for the Future: A South American Perspective

Tradition and Imagination: A Theological View from an American European

11.00-12.00 General Assembly of ESCT Members
Venue: Granary Visitor Information Centre (Magtár Rendezvényház)

12.00-13.00 Meeting of the ESCT Curatorium
Venue: Granary Visitor Information Centre (Magtár Rendezvényház)


Registration for the conference

If you want to participate, you can register for the conference here until March 31st, 2023


Call for Papers

Are you an established or an emerging scholar? If you want to present a paper in the parallel sessions (20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion), please send us an abstract of 200-300 words consisting of your name and affiliation, the title, and a summary of your paper latest by March 31st, 2023. Papers in all theological and academic disciplines dealing with the conference topic are welcome. We intend to publish a selection of papers in a collected volume.

You can send us your abstract here



Please book your accommodation directly with our partnering hotels by contacting them. When booking, please refer to ESCT2023.

If you are an emerging scholar (aged 35 or younger), and plan to present a paper at the congress, you can apply for sponsored (free) accommodation. In this case your reservation will be handled by our staff. Please indicate your application on the registration form.

List of partnering hotels

You can learn more about the book prize here:

Book prize

The European Society for Catholic Theology launches a call to award up to two prizes for outstanding theological books at the Congress of the European Society for Catholic Theology in Pécs, Hungary, August 30th – September 2nd, 2023. The prizes are to be awarded in the categories “Established Scholar’s Theological Book” and “Emerging Scholar’s Theological Book”.

You can learn more about the book prize here:

There can be no doubt that the Christian faith belongs, in a radical and decisive way, to the foundations of European culture.

Pope John Paul II

Europe, find yourself! Rediscover your most deeply-rooted ideals. Be yourself! Do not be afraid of your millenary history, which is a window open to the future more than the past.

Pope Francis

Christians today have a great responsibility: they are called to serve as a leaven in reviving Europe’s conscience and help to generate processes capable of awakening new energies in society.

Pope Francis

By valuing its Christian roots, Europe will be able to give a secure direction to the choices of its citizens and peoples, it will strengthen their awareness of belonging to a common civilization and it will nourish the commitment of all to address the challenges of the present for the sake of a better future.

Pope Benedict XVI

Get In Touch

H-7625 Pécs, Hunyadi u. 11.

EUROPE: Spiritual Resources for the Future

International Congress of the European Society for Catholic Theology

August 30th – September 2nd, 2023

Theological College of Pécs (Hungary)